Anna Gormley is a visual researcher, producer & educator based in the UK. Her work explores the intersection of relationships in the production of photography. Most recently in humanitarian contexts.
Selected Commisions:
The British Red Cross, 2021 - 2022
Save the Children, The People in the Pictures, 2015.
ESRC, Framing Migration Workshop
ESRC PhD Funding Framing Migration Research project with Cardiff University, JOMEC department.
Arts Council England, Night Contact, Brighton Photo Biennale, 2018.
Exhibitions & Residencies
Reframing Migration, Research Residency, SVA, Stroud. June, 2024
Tish, Flash Response, SVA, Stroud. March 2024. Funded by the British Artist Network.
Danube Revisited, Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, 2017.
Danube Revisited, Fundacion Telefonica, Madrid, 2017.
Danube Revisited, Ulm, Germany.
Night Contact, Brighton Photo Biennale, 2014.
A Portrait of Marrakech, MMPVA, Morrocco. 2013.
‘Now is the time”, BCG & Kram Weissaar & Magnum Photos, 2013.
Lecturer at the Univerity of Gloucestershire, Photography.
Visiting Lecturer, Bath Spa, Cardiff & Brunel Universities.
Reframing Migration Seminar, SVA, Stroud funded by the Paul Mellon Centre.
Framing Migration Workshop, Cardiff funded by ESRC.
Finding Your Vision Workshop with Alex Webb & Rebecca Norris Webb, East london.
Professional Practice Workshops with Magnum Photos.